Results for 'Mark S. Morrisson'

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    What the occult reveals.John Warne Monroe & Mark S. Morrisson - 2009 - Modern Intellectual History 6 (3):611-625.
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    Mark S. Morrisson. Modernism, Science, and Technology. 180 pp., figs., notes, bibl., index. London: Bloomsbury, 2017. £21.99 . ISBN 9781474233422. [REVIEW]Michael H. Whitworth - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):637-638.
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    Russell's Leviathan.Mark S. Lippincott - 1990 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 10 (1):6-29.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Russell's leviathan by Mark S. Lippincott 1. INTRODUCTION BERTRAND RUSSELL'S POLITICAL thought underwent several metamorphoses in his nearly seventy years of political activism and writing. Indeed, many commentators on Russell take this as the overarching attribute ofhis politics. Alan Ryan writes that "Russell's career defies summary analysis; his life was much too long and his activities too various. His philosophical allegiances were no more stable than his emotional (...)
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    Durkheim's Individual in Society: A Sacred Marriage?Mark S. Cladis - 1992 - Journal of the History of Ideas 53 (1):71-90.
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    Is a change in the theory of the person necessary? A note on Sampson's discussion of individuality in the post-modern era.Mark S. Anspach - 1991 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 11 (2):111-115.
    Sampson’s hypothesis that the entry of Western society into a post-modern era of “globalization” will necessitate a change in the conceptualization of the person is discussed in light of relevant group process research and current world events. While it does not seem likely that any fundamental change in the theory of the person will occur, it is plausible that the present form of individualism will adapt to the conditions of this new era. 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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    Blake's Jerusalem as Perennial Utopia.Mark S. Ferrara - 2009 - Utopian Studies 22 (1):19-33.
    ABSTRACT William Blake's poem Jerusalem, like all Perennial utopias, achieves a dialectical synthesis of the ideal and the actual through the narrative focalization of a religious experience at the level of character, one that is at once transhistorical and universal. By reading the poem through the lens of the Perennial paradigm, we discover that the temporal aspects of Jerusalem are intimately tied to the religious dimensions of Blake's utopian vision. In addition to giving us a new way to understand the (...)
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    Lamah devarim raʻim ḳorim la-anashim ṭovim: masaʻ be-ʻiḳvot ha-teshuvot she-heʻeniḳah ha-tarbut ha-Yehudit = Why bad things happen to good people: a journey through the Jewish culture.Ḥen Marḳs - 2022 - Rishon le-Tsiyon: Sifre ḥemed.
    Why do good people suffer? Does fate control the events that come our way? What is the difference between the reactions of men and women when a disaster occurs? Why did Jewish mothers kill their children in Ashkenazi countries? How did the Jews of Yemen tell about the deportation they were sentenced to? What explanation did the Hasidic Rebbe provide for what happened in the Holocaust? This is an unexpected journey through the Jewish bookcase - sometimes it is amusing, sometimes (...)
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    British romanticism, secularization, and the political and environmental implications.Mark S. Cladis - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 76 (4):284-304.
    This article offers broad lessons for ways to rethink the tangled relation among religion, modernity, and the secular. After characterizing what I mean by theories of secularization and how these theories have dominated our accounts of British romanticism, I consider two poems – one by Coleridge, the other by Wordsworth – that disrupt the view that British Romanticism replaces God with nature and discipline with unencumbered freedom. I conclude by suggesting that when we disclose the language and ways of religion (...)
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    Free choice of signaled vs unsignaled scrambled electric shock with rats.Mark S. Crabtree & Brian M. Kruger - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (4):352-354.
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    Ships Passing in the.Mark S. Markuly - 2005 - In Nicholas Capaldi, Business and religion: a clash of civilizations? Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press. pp. 30.
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    To telos tēs sophias: apo tē metaphysikē stēn koinōnikē theōria.Dēmētrios Markēs - 1999 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Stachy.
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    Ricoeur's Ethics: Another Version of Virtue Ethics? Attestation is not a Virtue.Mark S. Muldoon - 1998 - Philosophy Today 42 (3):301-309.
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    Rousseau's Soteriology: Deliverance at the Crossroads.Mark S. Cladis - 1996 - Religious Studies 32 (1):79 - 91.
    Rousseau, I argue, held both the belief that humans are not naturally corrupt and the belief that humans do inevitably corrupt themselves. I explore these two outlooks by locating Rousseau at the crossroads of Enlightenment optimism and Augustinian pessimism -- a juncture from which Rousseau could remind us of our responsibility for ourselves and our powerlessness to transform ourselves radically. In opposition to the standard interpretations of Rousseau, I show that Rousseau held that human wickedness springs not solely from social (...)
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    Journey Back to God: Origen on the Problem of Evil.Mark S. M. Scott - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Journey Back to God explores Origen of Alexandria's creative, complex, and controversial treatment of the problem of evil. It argues that his layered cosmology functions as a theodicy that deciphers deeper meaning beneath cosmic disparity. Origen asks: why does God create a world where some suffer more than others? On the surface, the unfair arrangement of the world defies theological coherence. In order to defend divine justice against the charge of cosmic mismanagement, Origen develops a theological cosmology that explains the (...)
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    Cryobanking of human sperm.Mark S. Frankel - 1975 - Journal of Medical Ethics 1 (1):36-38.
    This brief essay discusses some of the medical and social uses of banking human semen as well as many of the ethical issues which emerge from the application of this technology.
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    Secrets.Mark S. Frankel - 1985 - Teaching Philosophy 8 (2):174-176.
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    The discovery and recovery of time in history and religion.Mark S. Cladis - 2009 - History and Theory 48 (3):283-294.
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    Writing systems: Not optimal, but good enough.Mark S. Seidenberg & Ram Frost - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):305.
    Languages and writing systems result from satisfying multiple constraints related to learning, comprehension, production, and their biological bases. Orthographies are not optimal because these constraints often conflict, with further deviations due to accidents of history and geography. Things tend to even out because writing systems and the languages they represent exhibit systematic trade-offs between orthographic depth and morphological complexity.
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  19. Books etcetera-malignant sadness: The anatomy of depression.Mark S. Bauer - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (11):443.
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    Ch’an Buddhism and the Prophetic Poems of William Blake.Mark S. Ferrara - 1997 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 24 (1):59-73.
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  21. 5. Capital Punishment, Church Teaching, and Morality: What is John Paul II Saying to Catholics in Evangelium Vitae?S. Mark S. Latkovic - 2002 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 5 (2).
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    Commentary on “scientific societies and whistleblowers: The relationship between the community and the individual” (d.M. Mcknight).Mark S. Frankel - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (1):119-121.
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    Of Ghosts, Gauge Volumes, and Gauss's Law.Mark S. Swanson - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (3):359-370.
    The relationship between the canonical operator and the path integral formulation of quantum electrodynamics is analyzed with a particular focus on the implementation of gauge constraints in the two approaches. The removal of gauge volumes in the path integral is shown to match with the presence of zero-norm ghost states associated with gauge transformations in the canonical operator approach. The path integrals for QED in both the Feynman and the temporal gauges are examined and several ways of implementing the gauge (...)
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  24. Decision modeling techniques.Mark S. Roberts & F. A. Sonnenberg - 2000 - In Gretchen B. Chapman & Frank A. Sonnenberg, Decision making in health care: theory, psychology, and applications. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 20--65.
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    Studia Phoenicia, VIII: Melqart: Cultes et mythes de l'Héraklès tyrien en MéditerranéeStudia Phoenicia, VIII: Melqart: Cultes et mythes de l'Herakles tyrien en Mediterranee.Mark S. Smith & Corinne Bonnet - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (3):590.
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  26. Perspectives of a non-affiliated/outside member.Mark S. Christensen - 2015 - In Whitney Petrie & Sonja L. Wallace, The care and feeding of an IACUC: the organization and management of an institutional animal care and use committee. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  27. Moral art.Mark S. Cladis - 2024 - In Hans Joas & Andreas Pettenkofer, The Oxford handbook of Emile Durkheim. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Conjoined Twins of Malta.Mark S. Latkovic & M. D. Nelson - 2001 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 1 (4):585-614.
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    Thinking about Technology from a Catholic Moral Perspective.Mark S. Latkovic - 2015 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 15 (4):687-699.
    This article explores ten models for thinking critically about tech­nology’s place in our lives, which have been proposed in some form by vari­ous modern philosophers and theologians, including Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. The author first provides a definition of technology and then analyzes the models. He concludes with a consideration of what he calls a moral “partnering” of man with technology and some thoughts on the role that technology plays in the mission of the Church and in (...)
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    Effect of entanglement on geometric phase for multi-qubit states.Mark S. Williamson & Vlatko Vedral - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski, Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--02.
  31. Devlin, Hart, and the Proper Limits of Legal Coercion.Mark S. Nattrass - 1993 - Utilitas 5 (1):91-107.
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    Philosophy and the Marketplace.Mark S. Peacock & Michael Schefczyk - 2000 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 7 (4):1-5.
    Whilst natural scientists have forged close links with industry, economists—in their capacity as consultants—with private enterprise, and psychologists with the burgeoning market for counselling services, philosophers have shown little eagerness to “ply their trade” in any commercial form whatsoever. Indeed, the very juxtaposition of concepts like “philosophy,” “money,” and “the marketplace” may already have raised eyebrows or induced mocking smirks. The image of this unworldly species assuming a commercial role comparable in scope or nature to that of practitioners of other (...)
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    Evaluating Science and Scientists.Mark S. Frankel & Jane Cave (eds.) - 1997 - Central European University Press.
    The shift to a market economy in post-communist Eastern Europe has had a profound impact on science and scientists across the region, leading to reforms in research management practices and to drastic cuts in funding levels everywhere. Many countries are moving to a system of competitive research grants awarded on the basis of peer review. The introduction of peer review is not simply a technical matter. It signifies a fundamental change in the social structure of science, enhancing profession-al autonomy and (...)
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    Commentary: Public Outreach by the FDA: Evaluating Oversight of Human Drugs and Medical Devices.Mark S. Frankel - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):625-628.
    As nanotechnology emerges as an important public policy issue, the FDA's relationship with society is about to be tested. Most would agree that fostering public input will be critical to developing effective public policy for nanotechnology. Yet, it will not be easy. Low public confidence in the FDA, the general lack of knowledge about nanotechnology among ordinary Americans, and the way in which the “average” citizen obtains and evaluates knowledge about a public policy issue all pose serious challenges to any (...)
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  35. Books etcetera-talking nets: An oral history of neural networks.Mark S. Seidenberg - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (3):120-121.
  36. Connectionist models of reading.Mark S. Seidenberg - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell, Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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    Lexicon as module.Mark S. Seidenberg - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):31-32.
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    Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions: Corpus and Concordance.Mark S. Smith & G. I. Davies - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):550.
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    Female and Male: The Cultic Personnel; The Bible and the Rest of the Ancient Near East.Mark S. Smith & Richard A. Henshaw - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):286.
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    The Problem of Non-Muslims Who Insult the Prophet Muḥammad.Mark S. Wagner - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (3):529.
    Questions of whether, how, and why non-Muslims, whose infidel religious practice necessitates ongoing disregard for the Prophet Muḥammad, should be punished for the crime of insulting the Prophet prompted lively debate among Muslims in the eleventh century, especially Shāfiʿīs. This article presents the history and development of the law, and demonstrates that while two of its most draconian interpretations, that of Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ and Ibn Taymiyya, eclipsed more nuanced discussions that took place among Shāfiʿīs and Ḥanafīs, some late Ḥanafī ulama (...)
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    Degenerate heredity: the history of a doctrine in medicine and biology.Mark S. Lubinsky - 1992 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 37 (1):74-90.
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    Promoting Ethical Standards In Science and Engineering.Mark S. Frankel - 1996 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 5 (1):119-123.
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    Parental sex preferences: The missing data.Mark S. Frankel - 1974 - Hastings Center Report 4 (3):4-4.
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    Box 1. Main types of morphological structure.Mark S. Seidenberg & Laura M. Gonnerman - 2000 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 4 (9):353-361.
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  45. The Memoirs of God: History, Memory, and the Experience of the Divine in Ancient Israel.Mark S. Smith - 2004
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    The Psalms as a Book for Pilgrims.Mark S. Smith - 1992 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 46 (2):156-166.
    Through their psalms, the pilgrims of ancient Israel created a view of the world and of God that today remains central to the faith and life of the church.
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    Ugaritic Narrative Poetry.Mark S. Smith & Simon B. Parker (eds.) - 1997 - Scholars Press.
    English translations of three major narrative poems and ten shorter texts written in the 14th and 13th centuries B.C.E. in what is now Syria and Lebanon, where they were discovered on tablets in the second quarter of the 20th century. Parallel columns match transliteration of the original cuneiform with line-by-line translation. The texts are supported by introductions, textual (rather than historical or literary) annotations, and a glossary mostly of place and personal names without pronunciation guides. Paper edition (unseen), $14.95. Annotation (...)
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    Explanatory adequacy and models of word recognition.Mark S. Seidenberg - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):724-726.
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    Books in Review.Mark S. Neustadt - 1987 - Political Theory 15 (3):448-451.
  50. The interaction of verbal ability with concept mapping in learning from a chemistry laboratory activity.Mark S. Stensvold & John T. Wilson - 1990 - Science Education 74 (4):473-480.
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